Life status in English :- Namaskar dosto Aap sab ka Hamare blog m swagat hai. Dosto aaj main Aapke liye Leker aaya hu Aap sb yahan se Best – select karke Apne facebook or ki dp se Sath upload kar sakte ho.Dosto aap sabko hamare status achhe lage to comments or share karna na bhule thank you.
Life is a characteristic that distinguishes physical entities that have biological processes, such as signaling and self-sustaining processes, from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased (they have died), or because they never had such functions and are classified as inanimate.

Various forms of life exist, such as plants, animals, fungi, protists, archaea, and bacteria. Biology is the science concerned with the study of life.
There is currently no consensus regarding the definition of life. One popular definition is that organisms are open systems that maintain homeostasis, are composed of cells,
have a life cycle, undergo metabolism, can grow, adapt to their environment, respond to stimuli, reproduce and evolve. Other definitions sometimes include non-cellular life forms such as viruses and viroids.
1.)Even if the whole world starts telling you that you are loser you have lost But you cannot give up until you give up yourself.

2) If you want to Success in this Modern Era, Then You Have To Compete With New Unique Way.
3) The Work Which Give you Motivation To Go ahead Is A Good Work ans Rest are Bad Works.
4) When you get to knoe your worth, Then Noone is more powerful than you.
5) You Can Only Meet Up With Your Good Luck When You Courage To Face Your Bad Luck.
6) #Black: Love the color but why hate the complexion
7) A life of success and achievement is a direct result of utilizing the power of positive thinking.
8) A life without challenge would be like going to school without lessons to learn.
9) A life without suffering is a life without happiness.

10) A mistake is only a mistake if you don’t learn anything from it, once you learned something from it, it becomes a lesson.
11) A single moment of true joy is more powerful than a lifetime of sorrow.
12) After destruction there is construction. Only on letting go will new opportunities comes up.
13) A person’s success depends on their commitment.
14) Pray, not to ask God for what you need, but to thank god for what you have. For he knows what you need and when you need it!
15) Sometimes, you just have to do some stupid things in life to find out who are the ones who will stay on and accept you..
16) Never judge anyone till you’ve heard the full story and found out why they do the things they do.
17) If you give up too soon, you’ll never know what you’ll be missing. DON’T STOP when you are TIRED, STOP when you are DONE.
18) I always thought that everything happens for a reason but later on I found out that sometimes reasons are not enough to explain why everything happened.
19) Sometimes the answers are not meant to be found. You just have to BELIEVE
Sometimes you have to drop some things in order for you to carry more important things.

20) Life Is So Much Brighter When We Focus On What Truly Matters.
21) Life Is Really Simple, But We Insist On Making It Complicated.
22) Sometimes The Wrong Person Teach Us The Right Lessons In Life.
23) The Good Life Is One Inspired By Love And Guided By Knowledge.
24) Success Is The Sum Of Small Efforts, Repeated Day In & Day Out.
25) You Were Given This Life Because You’Re Strong Enough To Live It.
26) To Succeed In Life, You Need Two Things : Ignorance & Confidence.
27) Jealously Comes From Counting Others Blessing Instead Of Our Own.
28) We’Re Just Trying To Find Some Color In This Black & White World.
29) Find Someone Who Can Change Your Life Not Your Relationship Status.

30) If You Live A Happy Life, Tie It To A Goal, Not To People Or Things.
31) Life Is Not A Problem To Be Solved, But A Reality To Be Experienced.
32) Sometimes Life Hits You In The Head With A Brick. Don’T Lose Faith.
33) The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Can’T Do. ( Life Status )
34) Now days People Know The Price Of Everything And The Value Of Nothing.
35) Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates. You Never Know What You’Re Gonna Get.
36) Everything Will Be Okay In The End. If It’S Not Okay, It;S Not The End.
37) Nothing’S Permanent, You Just Have To Love It, While You Still Have It.
38) Sometimes It’S The Smallest Decisions That Can Change Your Life Forever.
39) Never Give Up. There Is No Such Thing As An Ending Just A New Beginning.
40) Its Not About Forcing Happiness. It’S About Not Letting The Sadness Win.
41) Life Is Like Riding A Bicycle. To Keep You Balance. You Must Keep Moving.
42) Spending Today, Complaining About Yesterday Won’T Make Tomorrow Any Better.

43) In Order For Your Life To Be Great, You Must First Learn To Appreciate It.
44) Use Your Smile To Change The World. Don’T Let The World Change Your Smile.
45) Beauty Is Being The Best Possible Version Of Yourself On The Inside And Out.
46) One Day Your Life Will Lash Before Your Eyes, Make Sure It’S Worth Watching.
47) Sometimes The Best Moments In Life Are The Ones You Don’T Tell Anyone About.
48) Our Greatest Glory Is Not In Never Falling, But In Rising Every Time We Fall.
49) Every Story Has An End But In Life Everything Ending Is Just A New Beginning. ( Life Quotes Saying )
50) Focus On Your Own Happiness. If You’Re Happy, Those Around You Will Be Happy.
51) No Point In Stressing Over Something You Can’T Change. Move On & Grow Stronger.
52) Sometimes You Will Never Know The Value Of A Moment Until It Becomes A Memory.
53) Sometimes Life Is A About Risking It All For A Dream No One Else Can See But You !
54) Trying To Forget Someone You Love Is Like Trying To Remember Someone You Never Meet.
55) Don’T Worry About Those Who Talk Behind Your Back, They’Re Behind Your For A Reason.
56) The Best Things In Life Are Unseen, That’s Why We Close Our Eyes When We Kiss & Dream. ( Status about Life )
57) Life Is Short, Time Is Fast. No Replay, No Rewind. So Enjoy Every Moment As It Comes.
58) Create Your Own Style….Let It Be Unique For Yourself & Yet Identifiable For Others.
59) Life Is Not Measured By Breaths We Take But By The Moments That Take Our Breath Away.
60) There Are Two Types Of Pain In This World. Pain That Hurts You. Pain That Changes You.
61) Don’T Wish You Life Was Good. Don’T Hope It Will Get Better. Get Up & Make It Amazing.
62) Stop Worrying About What You Have To Loose And Start Focusing On What You Have To Gain.

63) Enjoy The Litter Things In Life. For Someday You Will Realize They Were The Big Things.
64) Listen To The People When They Are Angry, Because That Is When The Real Truth Comes Out.
65) Don’T Be Afraid To Change. You May Lose Something Good But You May Gain Something Better.
66)Work for a cause not for applause, Live life to express, not to impress.
67)Live is not supposed to be easy, it is supposed to be worth it.
68)Dont think every guy is same just because the last one did you wrong.
69)There comes a point in your life when you realize to whom you really matter, never did, and always will.
70)In three words i can sum up everything i have learned about life, IT GOES ON.
71)When we look for the best in others, we discover the best in ourselves.
72)We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
73)The way we live our days Is the way we live our lives.
74)LIFE'S too short to argue and fight. Count your blessings value your friends and move on with your high and a smile for everyone.

75)Enjoy simple pleasures truly, the best pleasures in life are free.
76)All Life is an experiment The more experiments you make the better.
77)Everything in life happens for a Reason.... SO Live it and Love it... Use your smile to change the World... Don't Let the World Chane your Smile.
78)Life is like photography, you develop from the . Hnegatives.
79)The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
80)Enjoy your life today because yesterday had gone and tomorrow may never come.
81)Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward.
82)Life is like Ice Enjoy it Before it melts.
83)Life is like a book; don't jump to the end to see if it's worth it. Just enjoy life and fill the pages with beautiful and amazing memories.
84)To change your life, you need to change your priorities.
85)Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings....
85)Life is God's novel. Let him write it.
86)Every new day is a chance to change your life.
87)Smile and don't worry, life is awesome.
88)Love is life, & if you miss life, You miss Love.

89)“Always Think twice, speak once”
90)Life is a journey, not a race..
91)Truth and honest life is the goal of my thoughts.
92)Enjoy life to be healthy.
93)For me to live means to work.
94)I have found that if you love life, life will love you back!!!
95)The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become.
96)Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.
97)The happier the time, the shorter it is.
98)Life is beautiful if you know where to look.
99)Life is short don't waste it being sad. Be who you are, be happy, be free, be whatever you want to be.
100)No one is coming to save you. This life of your is 100% your responsibility...
101)Be FREE like a BIRD.
102)Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
103)Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it.
104)Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of others.
105)Each new day is another chance to change your life.

106)A beautiful dress can change the personality but beautiful behavior can change the Life!!
107)Life is like a camera. . so face it with a SMILE
108)No love is greater than mom's love, no care is greater than dad's care.
109)Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself
110)Music, internet, food and sleep are important parts of my life.
111)Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, but you behaviors decide who will stay in your life…
112)Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.
113)If you never get your heart broken you’ll never learn to love.
114)Never build your emotional life on the weaknesses of others.
115)Man make money but money make man mad.
116)Life is like a mountain, not a beach.
117)Life is to Taste, not to waste.
118)Life is full of struggles.
119)Don’t talk, just act. Don’t say, just show. Don’t promise, just prove.
120)The beauty of life doesn’t depend on how happy you are, but on how happy others can be because of you.
121)Someone asked me How’s life? I just smiled and replied, She’s fine.
122)When life is sweet, say thank you & celebrate & when life is bitter, say thank you & grow.
123)Always remember a person who talks to you about others, will also talk to others about you.

124)All the things that hurt you, actually teach you.
125)life is simple if we are simple.
126)All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
127)life is awesome with u by my side
128)Life is simple, we make it complicated.
129)sum things cannot b deleted.. Eg: memories and experiences..
130)Parents, problems, friends, fakes, love, crush, dating, responsibility,drama, heartache, failures, stress, happiness. It’s life..!!
131)Respecting a woman is more beautiful than telling her she is beautiful.
132)The secret of life is low expectations!
133)To infinity…. and beyond!!!
134)Life isn't about getting and having, it's about giving and being.

135)Loyal females DESERVE the best. Remember that ?
Final words:-
नमस्कर दोस्तों आप सबको हमारी पोस्ट पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद हमारी पोस्ट Life status in english
अच्छी लगे तो शेयर करना ना भूले इसी तरह की अच्छी अच्छी Post पाने के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे
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Life status in English : |
What Is Life?
Life is a characteristic that distinguishes physical entities that have biological processes, such as signaling and self-sustaining processes, from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased (they have died), or because they never had such functions and are classified as inanimate.

Various forms of life exist, such as plants, animals, fungi, protists, archaea, and bacteria. Biology is the science concerned with the study of life.
Happy Life status in english
There is currently no consensus regarding the definition of life. One popular definition is that organisms are open systems that maintain homeostasis, are composed of cells,
have a life cycle, undergo metabolism, can grow, adapt to their environment, respond to stimuli, reproduce and evolve. Other definitions sometimes include non-cellular life forms such as viruses and viroids.
Happy Life status in english
1.)Even if the whole world starts telling you that you are loser you have lost But you cannot give up until you give up yourself.

2) If you want to Success in this Modern Era, Then You Have To Compete With New Unique Way.
3) The Work Which Give you Motivation To Go ahead Is A Good Work ans Rest are Bad Works.
4) When you get to knoe your worth, Then Noone is more powerful than you.
5) You Can Only Meet Up With Your Good Luck When You Courage To Face Your Bad Luck.
Happy Life status in english
6) #Black: Love the color but why hate the complexion
7) A life of success and achievement is a direct result of utilizing the power of positive thinking.
8) A life without challenge would be like going to school without lessons to learn.
9) A life without suffering is a life without happiness.

10) A mistake is only a mistake if you don’t learn anything from it, once you learned something from it, it becomes a lesson.
Happy Life status in english
11) A single moment of true joy is more powerful than a lifetime of sorrow.
12) After destruction there is construction. Only on letting go will new opportunities comes up.
13) A person’s success depends on their commitment.
14) Pray, not to ask God for what you need, but to thank god for what you have. For he knows what you need and when you need it!
15) Sometimes, you just have to do some stupid things in life to find out who are the ones who will stay on and accept you..
16) Never judge anyone till you’ve heard the full story and found out why they do the things they do.
17) If you give up too soon, you’ll never know what you’ll be missing. DON’T STOP when you are TIRED, STOP when you are DONE.
18) I always thought that everything happens for a reason but later on I found out that sometimes reasons are not enough to explain why everything happened.
Happy Life status in english
19) Sometimes the answers are not meant to be found. You just have to BELIEVE
Sometimes you have to drop some things in order for you to carry more important things.

20) Life Is So Much Brighter When We Focus On What Truly Matters.
21) Life Is Really Simple, But We Insist On Making It Complicated.
22) Sometimes The Wrong Person Teach Us The Right Lessons In Life.
23) The Good Life Is One Inspired By Love And Guided By Knowledge.
24) Success Is The Sum Of Small Efforts, Repeated Day In & Day Out.
25) You Were Given This Life Because You’Re Strong Enough To Live It.
26) To Succeed In Life, You Need Two Things : Ignorance & Confidence.
27) Jealously Comes From Counting Others Blessing Instead Of Our Own.
Happy Life status in english
28) We’Re Just Trying To Find Some Color In This Black & White World.
29) Find Someone Who Can Change Your Life Not Your Relationship Status.

30) If You Live A Happy Life, Tie It To A Goal, Not To People Or Things.
31) Life Is Not A Problem To Be Solved, But A Reality To Be Experienced.
32) Sometimes Life Hits You In The Head With A Brick. Don’T Lose Faith.
33) The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Can’T Do. ( Life Status )
34) Now days People Know The Price Of Everything And The Value Of Nothing.
Happy Life status in english
35) Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates. You Never Know What You’Re Gonna Get.
36) Everything Will Be Okay In The End. If It’S Not Okay, It;S Not The End.
37) Nothing’S Permanent, You Just Have To Love It, While You Still Have It.
38) Sometimes It’S The Smallest Decisions That Can Change Your Life Forever.
39) Never Give Up. There Is No Such Thing As An Ending Just A New Beginning.
Happy Life status in english
40) Its Not About Forcing Happiness. It’S About Not Letting The Sadness Win.
41) Life Is Like Riding A Bicycle. To Keep You Balance. You Must Keep Moving.
42) Spending Today, Complaining About Yesterday Won’T Make Tomorrow Any Better.

43) In Order For Your Life To Be Great, You Must First Learn To Appreciate It.
44) Use Your Smile To Change The World. Don’T Let The World Change Your Smile.
45) Beauty Is Being The Best Possible Version Of Yourself On The Inside And Out.
46) One Day Your Life Will Lash Before Your Eyes, Make Sure It’S Worth Watching.
47) Sometimes The Best Moments In Life Are The Ones You Don’T Tell Anyone About.
48) Our Greatest Glory Is Not In Never Falling, But In Rising Every Time We Fall.
49) Every Story Has An End But In Life Everything Ending Is Just A New Beginning. ( Life Quotes Saying )
50) Focus On Your Own Happiness. If You’Re Happy, Those Around You Will Be Happy.
51) No Point In Stressing Over Something You Can’T Change. Move On & Grow Stronger.
52) Sometimes You Will Never Know The Value Of A Moment Until It Becomes A Memory.
53) Sometimes Life Is A About Risking It All For A Dream No One Else Can See But You !
54) Trying To Forget Someone You Love Is Like Trying To Remember Someone You Never Meet.
Happy Life status in english
55) Don’T Worry About Those Who Talk Behind Your Back, They’Re Behind Your For A Reason.
56) The Best Things In Life Are Unseen, That’s Why We Close Our Eyes When We Kiss & Dream. ( Status about Life )
57) Life Is Short, Time Is Fast. No Replay, No Rewind. So Enjoy Every Moment As It Comes.
58) Create Your Own Style….Let It Be Unique For Yourself & Yet Identifiable For Others.
59) Life Is Not Measured By Breaths We Take But By The Moments That Take Our Breath Away.
Happy Life status in english
60) There Are Two Types Of Pain In This World. Pain That Hurts You. Pain That Changes You.
61) Don’T Wish You Life Was Good. Don’T Hope It Will Get Better. Get Up & Make It Amazing.
Happy Life status in english
62) Stop Worrying About What You Have To Loose And Start Focusing On What You Have To Gain.

63) Enjoy The Litter Things In Life. For Someday You Will Realize They Were The Big Things.
64) Listen To The People When They Are Angry, Because That Is When The Real Truth Comes Out.
65) Don’T Be Afraid To Change. You May Lose Something Good But You May Gain Something Better.
66)Work for a cause not for applause, Live life to express, not to impress.
Happy Life status in english
67)Live is not supposed to be easy, it is supposed to be worth it.
68)Dont think every guy is same just because the last one did you wrong.
69)There comes a point in your life when you realize to whom you really matter, never did, and always will.
70)In three words i can sum up everything i have learned about life, IT GOES ON.
Happy Life status in english
71)When we look for the best in others, we discover the best in ourselves.
72)We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
73)The way we live our days Is the way we live our lives.
74)LIFE'S too short to argue and fight. Count your blessings value your friends and move on with your high and a smile for everyone.

75)Enjoy simple pleasures truly, the best pleasures in life are free.
76)All Life is an experiment The more experiments you make the better.
77)Everything in life happens for a Reason.... SO Live it and Love it... Use your smile to change the World... Don't Let the World Chane your Smile.
78)Life is like photography, you develop from the . Hnegatives.
79)The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
80)Enjoy your life today because yesterday had gone and tomorrow may never come.
81)Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward.
82)Life is like Ice Enjoy it Before it melts.
Happy Life status in english
83)Life is like a book; don't jump to the end to see if it's worth it. Just enjoy life and fill the pages with beautiful and amazing memories.
84)To change your life, you need to change your priorities.
85)Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings....
85)Life is God's novel. Let him write it.
86)Every new day is a chance to change your life.
87)Smile and don't worry, life is awesome.
88)Love is life, & if you miss life, You miss Love.

89)“Always Think twice, speak once”
90)Life is a journey, not a race..
Happy Life status in english
91)Truth and honest life is the goal of my thoughts.
92)Enjoy life to be healthy.
93)For me to live means to work.
94)I have found that if you love life, life will love you back!!!
95)The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become.
96)Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.
Happy Life status in english
97)The happier the time, the shorter it is.
98)Life is beautiful if you know where to look.
99)Life is short don't waste it being sad. Be who you are, be happy, be free, be whatever you want to be.
100)No one is coming to save you. This life of your is 100% your responsibility...
101)Be FREE like a BIRD.
Happy Life status in english
102)Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
103)Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it.
104)Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of others.
105)Each new day is another chance to change your life.

106)A beautiful dress can change the personality but beautiful behavior can change the Life!!
107)Life is like a camera. . so face it with a SMILE
108)No love is greater than mom's love, no care is greater than dad's care.
Happy Life status in english
109)Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself
110)Music, internet, food and sleep are important parts of my life.
111)Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, but you behaviors decide who will stay in your life…
112)Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.
113)If you never get your heart broken you’ll never learn to love.
114)Never build your emotional life on the weaknesses of others.
115)Man make money but money make man mad.
Happy Life status in english
116)Life is like a mountain, not a beach.
117)Life is to Taste, not to waste.
118)Life is full of struggles.
119)Don’t talk, just act. Don’t say, just show. Don’t promise, just prove.
120)The beauty of life doesn’t depend on how happy you are, but on how happy others can be because of you.
121)Someone asked me How’s life? I just smiled and replied, She’s fine.
122)When life is sweet, say thank you & celebrate & when life is bitter, say thank you & grow.
Happy Life status in english
123)Always remember a person who talks to you about others, will also talk to others about you.

124)All the things that hurt you, actually teach you.
125)life is simple if we are simple.
126)All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
127)life is awesome with u by my side
128)Life is simple, we make it complicated.
Happy Life status in english
129)sum things cannot b deleted.. Eg: memories and experiences..
130)Parents, problems, friends, fakes, love, crush, dating, responsibility,drama, heartache, failures, stress, happiness. It’s life..!!
131)Respecting a woman is more beautiful than telling her she is beautiful.
Happy Life status in english
132)The secret of life is low expectations!
133)To infinity…. and beyond!!!
134)Life isn't about getting and having, it's about giving and being.

135)Loyal females DESERVE the best. Remember that ?
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Final words:-
नमस्कर दोस्तों आप सबको हमारी पोस्ट पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद हमारी पोस्ट Life status in english
अच्छी लगे तो शेयर करना ना भूले इसी तरह की अच्छी अच्छी Post पाने के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे
I am really happy to say it’s an interesting post to read Motivational Quotes in Hindi this is a really awesome and i hope in future you will share information like this with us