Attitude quotes in English :- Namaskar dosto Aap sab ka Hamare blog m swagat hai. Dosto aaj main Aapke liye Attitude status in english, Attitude status Leker aaya hu Aap sb yahan se Best – select karke Apne facebook or ki dp se Sath upload kar sakte ho.Dosto aap sabko hamare status achhe lage to comments or share karna na bhule thank you.
1.Do you think I’m bad? Then you’re wrong. I am the worst.
2.I’m a cool person, but who loves to do stupid things.
3.That’s fair enough!! that I’m Awesome 🙂. Who Cares!!

4.Hate me or love me, but you will never be able to change me.
5.Sometimes patience has limits.
6.I don’t have an attitude! Well, I just have a personality you can’t handle.
7)In the beginning you’ll judge me, by the end, you’ll love me.
8)Life Will Give You Exactly What You Need, Not What You Want.
9)Life Is Too Short. Don’T Waste It Removing Pen Drive Safely.
10)I am a good enough person to FORGIVE you.
But not stupid enough to TRUST you again!
11)Don’t cry over money.
Money never cries for you..
12)Your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are.

13)Weakness of Attitude becomes
Weakness of Character..
14)eXcuse me I found something under my shoes. Oh its your attitude.
15)Silence is my best reply for a fool like you.
16)I am not perfect, I am limited edition
17)Well, I forgive but never forget.
18)I don’t pretend to be something I’m not. I know I am the best.

19)I am awesome, and I know it.
20)When you feel insulted, I am just describing you.
21)You need friends to be successful in life, but to be more successful, you need better enemies.
22)Don’t give advice until you’re asked to.
Normal is boring.
23)I delete your number I’m basically deleting you from my life.
24)Not always available try your luck some other time 😉Legends don’t die; I am the living example.
25)I’m not totally useless. I am still the best example of uselessness.
26)I may be wrong, but I doubt it.
27)Come to my heart and pay no rent.
28)An apple a day keeps everyone away. Just throw it hard. 😛
29)Do people talk behind my back? It is, in fact, the best position to kiss my as**.

30)Every mother gives birth to a child. But my mother did not! She gave birth to a legend.
31)You Can’t Laugh at yourself then Call me.
I Don’t Have Attitude Problem I Just Have Personality..
32)Your Attitude May Hurt Me But, Mine Can Kill You….
33)Of Course, I Talk To Myself, Sometimes I Need Expert Advice.
34)Fake People Have Image To Main. Real People Just Don’T Care.
35)I Forgive But Never Forgot.
36)I Am Hot Dude With A Cool Attitude.

37)If attitude kills…. I am the weapon of mass destruction…..
38)Sorry Vegetarians We Can’T Pretend.
39)Itz very easy to defeat someone , but itz very hard to win someone.
40)I don’t Have a bad handwriting, I have my own FONT.
41)I am bad to the bone. Proud to be a problem.
42)Call me a bitch and I’ll show you one.
43)Tell me what to do and I’ll tell you off.
44)Screw me over and I’ll do it to you twice as bad.
45)I heard you are a player. Nice meeting you. Well, I am a coach.
46)Good girls keep diaries; bad girls do not have time.
47)Success hugs you in private, and the failure slaps you in public.

48)Attitude is actually a magnet what you think is what you attract.
49)Do not judge me by my past; I don’t live there anymore.
50)The goal is not to be rich ,
the Goal is to be legend
51)My circle is small because
i’m into quality not quantity!
52)Dear girls, keep your heels and standards always high…!!
53)I’M Poor. I Can’T Pay Attention In Class Room.
54)Hurt Me With Truth But Never Comfort Me With Lie.
55)Call me crazy but really you have no idea.

56)Never Love Someone At The Cost Of Your Dignity And Self Respect...!!!
57)Don’t be afraid of being outnumbered , eagles fly alone. Pigeons flock together.
58)I don’t treat people badly, I treat them accordingly.
59)If your ego speaks with me then my attitude replies to you.
60)Beauty is only skin deep.Attitude is down to the bone.
61)Before you judge me, Make sure that you’re perfect.
62)There are two ways to be happy: Change your situation, or change your mindset towards it.
63)How he treats you is how he feels about you.
64)I'm a very private person. You don’t ask i don’t tell.
65)There’s a difference between somebody who wants you and somebody who would do anything to keep you. Remember that.
66)The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.
67)I don’t go crazy. I am crazy. I just go normal from time to time….
68)Sometimes I want to treat people how they treat me But I don’t because It’s out of my character.
69)If there is no one to hold your hand put your hands in your pocket and continue your walk.

70)Beauty captures your attention, but personality captures your heart.
71)You left without a reason, so please don't come back with an excuse.
72)Dear Girls, Stop comparing all guys with your ex. Not all of us are players and jerks.
73)You treated me like an option, so i left you like a choice
74)Yes, i have changed. Pain does that to People.
75)I am not your toy.
76)I don’t fear commitment, I fear wasting my time.
78)To keep a relationship, you must keep your business to yourself and your partner, The whole world doesnt need to know your problems.
79)Stop asking for faithful girls, when you are too busy chasing hoes.
80)If you dont want me , Dont fuck with my feelings.
81)if you want me let me know, if you dont, please gently let me go.
82)Choose me or lose me. I am not a backup plan, and definitely not a second choice.
83)I dont have enough middle fingers to show you how i feel.
84)I trusted you but now your words mean nothing to me, because your actions spoke the truth.
85)I have no need for people who come to me when they need me,then throw me aside when they're fine.
86)I’m born to express, not to impress.
87)I don’t care for people, who don’t care for me.
88)Show me, don't tell me.
89)Your attitude may hurt me, But mine can Kill You!!

90)Good girls are bad girls, who never get caught.
91)Excellence is not a skill, It is an attitude.
92)Never, never, never, never give up.
93)If you like me Then raise your hand, If not then raise your standard.
94)Take care of Your Status, don’t be care taker of My Status
95)If you ever think I am ignoring you, I swear I am. My phone is in my hand 24×7
96)My life ,my rule,that’s my attitude…
100)Problem is not a problem, but problem is that,is your attitude towards the problem.
101)Girls are like parking spaces, all the good ones are already taken.
102)The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.
103)Yes, I’m smiling. But you’re not the reason anymore.
104)Nobody can teach me who I am.
105)If your are still hate me!then No Problem!.
106)Two fundamentals of cool life – Walk like you are the king OR walk like you don’t care ,who is the king.
107)Someone Asked me what is UR attitude then i simply replied... " BEING SINGLE IS MY ATTITUDE…"
108)When Sum One Hates You for no reason. Give them a reason.
109)I don’t insult people , I just describe them.

110)Before you judge me, Make sure that you’re perfect.
111)Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class.
112)My attitude depends on the people in front of me.
113)If you want me, come and get me. If you want me to come, forget it.
114)Never give up on something you love
115)I'm Not a Tumblr Girl, But I'm Beautiful
116)I live, I love, I fight, I cry, but I never give up
117)They laughed at me because I'm different. I laughed at them because they're all the same.
118)Beauty Fades After Time, But Personality Is Forever!
119)If u think I am BAD than you’re wrong, I’m the worst.
120)If you don’t like my attitude then stop talking to me.
121)Please don’t get confused between my personality and my attitude.
122)Childhood is like being drunk, everyone remembers what you did, except you.
123)When you feel insulted I’m just describing you.
124)People will love you. People will hate you. And none of it will have anything to do with you.
125)I Don’T Need To Explain Myself Because I Know I’M Right.

126)Never hate something or someone just because someone else does…
127)Adopting the right attitude can convert
a negative stress into a positive one.
128)LEGENDS don’t die.. I am a LIVING EXAMPLE!
129)If I delete your number you’re basically deleted from my life.
130)I haven’t slept for 10 days because that would be too long.
131)Treat me like a Queen and I’ll treat you Like a King But If you treat me like a game I’ll show you how it’s played..
132)I love haters. You guys keep me motivated.
133)Life will give u exactly what you need, not what you want.
134)I am 97% sure u don’t like me,, But I’m 100% sure I Don’t care..
135)It’s so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don’t say it.
136)I’m cool but global warming made me hot.
137)Don’t be happy.I don’t Really forgive peopleI just pretend like it’s ok and wait for my turn to destroy them.
138)That’s the thing about #Honor and #Attitude, U can’t turn it ON & OFF
139)I am not an option. Either choose me or fucking loose me.
140)I don’t care what people think or say about me I was not born on this earth to please everybody.

141)Style Is A Reflection Of Your Attitude And Personality.
142)There are three sides to an argument.. my side, your side and the right side.
143)Enjoy life. It comes with expiry date
Final words:-
नमस्कर दोस्तों आप सबको हमारी पोस्ट पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद हमारी पोस्ट Attitude quotes in English अच्छी लगे तो शेयर करना ना भूले इसी तरह की अच्छी अच्छी Post पाने के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे
Attitude quotes in english
1.Do you think I’m bad? Then you’re wrong. I am the worst.
2.I’m a cool person, but who loves to do stupid things.
3.That’s fair enough!! that I’m Awesome 🙂. Who Cares!!

4.Hate me or love me, but you will never be able to change me.
5.Sometimes patience has limits.
6.I don’t have an attitude! Well, I just have a personality you can’t handle.
7)In the beginning you’ll judge me, by the end, you’ll love me.
8)Life Will Give You Exactly What You Need, Not What You Want.
9)Life Is Too Short. Don’T Waste It Removing Pen Drive Safely.
10)I am a good enough person to FORGIVE you.
But not stupid enough to TRUST you again!
11)Don’t cry over money.
Money never cries for you..
12)Your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are.

13)Weakness of Attitude becomes
Weakness of Character..
14)eXcuse me I found something under my shoes. Oh its your attitude.
15)Silence is my best reply for a fool like you.
16)I am not perfect, I am limited edition
17)Well, I forgive but never forget.
Attitude quotes in english
18)I don’t pretend to be something I’m not. I know I am the best.

19)I am awesome, and I know it.
20)When you feel insulted, I am just describing you.
21)You need friends to be successful in life, but to be more successful, you need better enemies.
22)Don’t give advice until you’re asked to.
Normal is boring.
23)I delete your number I’m basically deleting you from my life.
24)Not always available try your luck some other time 😉Legends don’t die; I am the living example.
25)I’m not totally useless. I am still the best example of uselessness.
26)I may be wrong, but I doubt it.
27)Come to my heart and pay no rent.
28)An apple a day keeps everyone away. Just throw it hard. 😛
29)Do people talk behind my back? It is, in fact, the best position to kiss my as**.

30)Every mother gives birth to a child. But my mother did not! She gave birth to a legend.
31)You Can’t Laugh at yourself then Call me.
I Don’t Have Attitude Problem I Just Have Personality..
32)Your Attitude May Hurt Me But, Mine Can Kill You….
33)Of Course, I Talk To Myself, Sometimes I Need Expert Advice.
34)Fake People Have Image To Main. Real People Just Don’T Care.
35)I Forgive But Never Forgot.
36)I Am Hot Dude With A Cool Attitude.

37)If attitude kills…. I am the weapon of mass destruction…..
38)Sorry Vegetarians We Can’T Pretend.
Attitude quotes in english
39)Itz very easy to defeat someone , but itz very hard to win someone.
40)I don’t Have a bad handwriting, I have my own FONT.
41)I am bad to the bone. Proud to be a problem.
42)Call me a bitch and I’ll show you one.
43)Tell me what to do and I’ll tell you off.
44)Screw me over and I’ll do it to you twice as bad.
45)I heard you are a player. Nice meeting you. Well, I am a coach.
46)Good girls keep diaries; bad girls do not have time.
47)Success hugs you in private, and the failure slaps you in public.

48)Attitude is actually a magnet what you think is what you attract.
Attitude quotes in english
49)Do not judge me by my past; I don’t live there anymore.
50)The goal is not to be rich ,
the Goal is to be legend
51)My circle is small because
i’m into quality not quantity!
52)Dear girls, keep your heels and standards always high…!!
53)I’M Poor. I Can’T Pay Attention In Class Room.
54)Hurt Me With Truth But Never Comfort Me With Lie.
55)Call me crazy but really you have no idea.

56)Never Love Someone At The Cost Of Your Dignity And Self Respect...!!!
57)Don’t be afraid of being outnumbered , eagles fly alone. Pigeons flock together.
Attitude quotes in english
58)I don’t treat people badly, I treat them accordingly.
59)If your ego speaks with me then my attitude replies to you.
60)Beauty is only skin deep.Attitude is down to the bone.
61)Before you judge me, Make sure that you’re perfect.
62)There are two ways to be happy: Change your situation, or change your mindset towards it.
63)How he treats you is how he feels about you.
64)I'm a very private person. You don’t ask i don’t tell.
65)There’s a difference between somebody who wants you and somebody who would do anything to keep you. Remember that.
Attitude quotes in english
66)The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.
67)I don’t go crazy. I am crazy. I just go normal from time to time….
68)Sometimes I want to treat people how they treat me But I don’t because It’s out of my character.
69)If there is no one to hold your hand put your hands in your pocket and continue your walk.

70)Beauty captures your attention, but personality captures your heart.
71)You left without a reason, so please don't come back with an excuse.
72)Dear Girls, Stop comparing all guys with your ex. Not all of us are players and jerks.
73)You treated me like an option, so i left you like a choice
74)Yes, i have changed. Pain does that to People.
75)I am not your toy.
76)I don’t fear commitment, I fear wasting my time.
78)To keep a relationship, you must keep your business to yourself and your partner, The whole world doesnt need to know your problems.
79)Stop asking for faithful girls, when you are too busy chasing hoes.
Attitude quotes in english
80)If you dont want me , Dont fuck with my feelings.
81)if you want me let me know, if you dont, please gently let me go.
82)Choose me or lose me. I am not a backup plan, and definitely not a second choice.
83)I dont have enough middle fingers to show you how i feel.
84)I trusted you but now your words mean nothing to me, because your actions spoke the truth.
85)I have no need for people who come to me when they need me,then throw me aside when they're fine.
86)I’m born to express, not to impress.
87)I don’t care for people, who don’t care for me.
88)Show me, don't tell me.
89)Your attitude may hurt me, But mine can Kill You!!

90)Good girls are bad girls, who never get caught.
91)Excellence is not a skill, It is an attitude.
92)Never, never, never, never give up.
93)If you like me Then raise your hand, If not then raise your standard.
94)Take care of Your Status, don’t be care taker of My Status
95)If you ever think I am ignoring you, I swear I am. My phone is in my hand 24×7
96)My life ,my rule,that’s my attitude…
100)Problem is not a problem, but problem is that,is your attitude towards the problem.
101)Girls are like parking spaces, all the good ones are already taken.
Attitude quotes in english
102)The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.
103)Yes, I’m smiling. But you’re not the reason anymore.
104)Nobody can teach me who I am.
105)If your are still hate me!then No Problem!.
106)Two fundamentals of cool life – Walk like you are the king OR walk like you don’t care ,who is the king.
107)Someone Asked me what is UR attitude then i simply replied... " BEING SINGLE IS MY ATTITUDE…"
108)When Sum One Hates You for no reason. Give them a reason.
109)I don’t insult people , I just describe them.

110)Before you judge me, Make sure that you’re perfect.
111)Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class.
112)My attitude depends on the people in front of me.
113)If you want me, come and get me. If you want me to come, forget it.
114)Never give up on something you love
115)I'm Not a Tumblr Girl, But I'm Beautiful
116)I live, I love, I fight, I cry, but I never give up
Attitude quotes in english
117)They laughed at me because I'm different. I laughed at them because they're all the same.
118)Beauty Fades After Time, But Personality Is Forever!
119)If u think I am BAD than you’re wrong, I’m the worst.
120)If you don’t like my attitude then stop talking to me.
121)Please don’t get confused between my personality and my attitude.
122)Childhood is like being drunk, everyone remembers what you did, except you.
123)When you feel insulted I’m just describing you.
124)People will love you. People will hate you. And none of it will have anything to do with you.
125)I Don’T Need To Explain Myself Because I Know I’M Right.

126)Never hate something or someone just because someone else does…
127)Adopting the right attitude can convert
a negative stress into a positive one.
128)LEGENDS don’t die.. I am a LIVING EXAMPLE!
129)If I delete your number you’re basically deleted from my life.
130)I haven’t slept for 10 days because that would be too long.
131)Treat me like a Queen and I’ll treat you Like a King But If you treat me like a game I’ll show you how it’s played..
132)I love haters. You guys keep me motivated.
Attitude quotes in english
133)Life will give u exactly what you need, not what you want.
134)I am 97% sure u don’t like me,, But I’m 100% sure I Don’t care..
135)It’s so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don’t say it.
136)I’m cool but global warming made me hot.
137)Don’t be happy.I don’t Really forgive peopleI just pretend like it’s ok and wait for my turn to destroy them.
138)That’s the thing about #Honor and #Attitude, U can’t turn it ON & OFF
139)I am not an option. Either choose me or fucking loose me.
140)I don’t care what people think or say about me I was not born on this earth to please everybody.

141)Style Is A Reflection Of Your Attitude And Personality.
Attitude quotes in english
142)There are three sides to an argument.. my side, your side and the right side.
143)Enjoy life. It comes with expiry date
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Final words:-
नमस्कर दोस्तों आप सबको हमारी पोस्ट पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद हमारी पोस्ट Attitude quotes in English अच्छी लगे तो शेयर करना ना भूले इसी तरह की अच्छी अच्छी Post पाने के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे
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